
As an artist I see many connections between my painting and my interior design practice.

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A fascination with light, an eye for detail and the way things interact, are key to both of my practices.

It’s not just about how something looks, it’s fundamentally how it makes you feel that creates pictures and designs that people cherish.


Creativity is, as Steve Jobs argued, about people connecting things, and it’s no different for interior design.

I ensure I really connect with my Clients to understand what they want to feel about their commission, the emotional as well as the rational, and most importantly how we can collaborate effectively to realise our ideas.

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JJ has always inhabited the creative world.

After studying at Goldsmiths College she forged a career in TV and Film Production before starting a family. She then followed her twin passions, Art and Design, by studying Interior Design with Architecture at Chelsea College of Art and  Painting at Heatherley’s London. JJ now runs a busy interior design practice in tandem with exhibiting her pictures in London Dorset and Kenya. Her work is in private collections both in the UK and abroad.

Good design is like good art, something you enjoy and are stimulated by every day.